
Thursday, February 4, 2010

HaiWan Pelik....

Red panda...aduh..klau panda pon spesis terancam..die ni spesis terancam sangat

Narwal ala-ala unicorn..tu dia..Berhati-hati dilautan ye!!!
Hag fish??? lebih kurang cam singa laut lagi ganas kot
Dumbo octopus..juz call it dumbo..tapi bukanlah bermkne sotong yang mempunyai IQ yang rendah.
Ade potensi untuk market "binantang peliharaan" ^o^

angora...spesis arnab bukan biri-biri dan buka juga anjing..!
Blop Fish..ikan bermuka sedih, x boleh di makan.. bnyak ditemui di laut dalam. tapi skrg dah hampir pupus
Alpaca unta katek! x boleh ditunggang...
"ayeaye " ayam-ayam?? aeiou??? "nama diambil sempena bunyinya"
Sedap gak nama dia kan...??
ajolote - Unexplained-mysteries
Badannya mirip ular tapi ada dua kaki di depannya. Sesiapa yang pertama kali melihatnya, pasti akan takut dan geli melihatnya. Binatang reptilia ini adalah satu-satunya yang terdapat di dunia ini. Haiwan yang menyerupai ular ini diberi namanya Ajolote dan berasal dari Mexico. Hidupnya di dalam tanah. Biasanya kaki depannya itu digunakan untuk menggali tanah.

Koleksi Gambar Haiwan Pelik Dalam Dunia

PNF Streching...

What is PNF Stretching?
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a more advanced form of flexibility training that involves both the stretching and contraction of the muscle group being targeted.

PNF stretching was originally developed as a form of rehabilitation, and to that effect it is very effective. It is also excellent for targeting specific muscle groups, and as well as increasing flexibility, (and range of movement) it also improves muscular strength.

Certain precautions need to be taken when performing PNF stretches as they can put added stress on the targeted muscle group, which can increase the risk of soft tissue injury. To help reduce this risk, it is important to include a conditioning phase before a maximum, or intense effort is used.

Also, before undertaking any form of stretching it is vitally important that a thorough warm up be completed. Warming up prior to stretching does a number of beneficial things, but primarily its purpose is to prepare the body and mind for more strenuous activity. One of the ways it achieves this is by helping to increase the body's core temperature while also increasing the body's muscle temperature. This is essential to ensure the maximum benefit is gained from your stretching.

How to perform a PNF stretch
The process of performing a PNF stretch involves the following. The muscle group to be stretched is positioned so that the muscles are stretched and under tension. The individual then contracts the stretched muscle group for 5 - 6 seconds while a partner, or immovable object, applies sufficient resistance to inhibit movement. Please note; the effort of contraction should be relevant to the level of conditioning.

The contracted muscle group is then relaxed and a controlled stretch is applied for about 30 seconds. The muscle group is then allowed 30 seconds to recover and the process is repeated 2 - 4 times. Refer to the diagrams below for a visual example.

pnf-stretch taken from The Stretching Handbook

The athlete and partner assume the position for the stretch, and then the partner extends the body limb until the muscle is stretched and tension is felt.

pnf-stretch taken from The Stretching Handbook

The athlete then contracts the stretched muscle for 5 - 6 seconds and the partner must inhibit all movement. (The force of the contraction should be relevant to the condition of the muscle. For example, if the muscle has been injured, do not apply a maximum contraction).

pnf-stretch taken from The Stretching Handbook

The muscle group is relaxed, then immediately and cautiously pushed past its normal range of movement for about 30 seconds. Allow 30 seconds recovery before repeating the procedure 2 - 4 times.

Information differs slightly about timing recommendations for PNF stretching depending on who you are talking to. Although there are conflicting responses to the question of how long should I contract the muscle group for and how long should I rest for between each stretch, I believe (through a study of research literature and personal experience) that the above timing recommendations provide the maximum benefits from PNF stretching.

Stretching is one of the most under-utilized techniques for improving athletic performance and getting rid of those annoying sports injuries. Don't make the mistake of thinking that something as simple as stretching won't be effective.

p/s: PNF streching ni juga sesuai untuk rehab for injury, sesuai gak untuk orang tua2 dan lepas penat kerja seharian, next step will continue....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



1. Mao Tse tsung tidak pernah memberus gigi sepanjang hayatnya.


1. Mao Tse tsung tidak pernah memberus gigi sepanjang hayatnya. Beliau mengunakan air teh utk berkumur dan akan mengunyah daun teh mentah utk membersihkan giginya.

2. Purata sebatang pensel boleh melakar garisan lurus sepanjang 56 km atau menulis 50,000 perkataan.
America menghasilkan dua bilion batang pensel setiap tahun. Jika kesemua pensel itu digunakan utk membuat garisan lurus ia boleh membuat bulatan mengelilingi bumi sebanyak 9 kali

3. Bunyi yang dikeluarkan apabila anda mematahkan-matahkan sendi tangan, jari atau kaki adalah disebabkan oleh letupan buih di dalam sendi itu.

4. Planet Pluto mengambil masa 248 tahun utk mengelilingi matahari. Setiap 20 tahun ia mengubah orbitnya bagi mengelak dari berlanggar denga planet Neptune .

5. Di Albania, menggelengkan kepala bermaksud 'ya' dan
menggangguk bermaksud tidak,

6. Kebanyakkan debu yang berterbangan di dalam rumah datangnya dari sel-sel kulit kita yang mati.

7. Perut akan menghasilkan satu lapisan mucus yang baru setiap 2 minggu untuk melancarkan proses penghadaman.

8. kandungan emas di laut adalah 200 kali ganda lebih banyak berbanding di daratan

9. Jika semua salur darah dalam tubuh manusia dicantumkan ia boleh meliputi jalan raya sepanjang 96,000 Km

10. Jika usus kecil manusia dibelah dan dicantum-cantumkan, ia boleh memenuhi kawasan seluas 9.2 meter persegi.

11. Manusia bernafas kira-kira 23,000 kali dalam tempoh 24 jam.

12. Orang lelaki mudah mendapat buta warna,10 kali ganda berbanding wanita.

13. Setiap langkah ke hadapan, anda terpaksa menggerakkan 54 otot dalam tubuh badan

14. Matahari memiliki tenaga yang cukup utk menerangi bumi bagi tempoh lebih daripada 5 juta tahun lagi.

15. Tekanan jantung manusia semasa mengepam darah adalah cukup kuat sehinggakan setiap pancutan
boleh memancutkan darah sejauh 9 meter.

16. Purata setiap manusia manusia memiliki 100,000 helai rambut dan tumbuh lebih cepat pada waktu malam.Sementara itu, hidung pula dikatakan dapat mengenal pasti 10,000 jenis bau yang berbeza-beza.

17. Setiap hari darah beredar sejauh 180,000 Km dalam tubuh manusia.

18. Ikan emas adalah satu-satunya haiwan yang dapat melihat cahaya inframerah dan ultraungu

19. Setiap 1 cm persegi kulit manusia, didapati mengandungi 7 meter pembulu darah

Terdapat banyak spesies labah-labah yang sanggup mengorbankan tangan dan kaki utk dimakan anak-anaknya yang baru menetas. Langkah ini adalah utk mengelakkan anak-anaknya itu daripada memakan sesama sendiri.